Sunday, October 02, 2005

100 things about me..........

Ok, here it goes: 1. I'm a student 2. I craft 3. I just recently made a purse out of a Little Mermaid bed sheet 4. no matter how hard I try not to, I always leave some homework for sunday night 5. I love the Harry Potter series 6. I have the american special addition of OotP(if you don't know what that means, your not as obsessed as me) 7. I learned to knit because I wanted to knit a Hogwarts scarf 8. the first thing I ever knit was a square that grew when I knit to tighly and split stitches. It was pulled out so I don't have it, but I do have the needles I learned to knit on 9. I look good in blue clothing 10. I always carry at least 2 lip glosses 11. I have 2 book shelves in my room, and there full 12. I own 1 knitting magazine, sadly 13. I have a sock feddish :D 14. I need at least 2 pillows on my bed, but I have 5 at the moment 15. I wear glasses sometimes, just when I can't see 16. I avaoid the library when I have overdue finse over $5 17. there is no space left in my closet, so don't even THINK about trying to open the seccond door unless you want to be crushed! 18. my bedroom is as wide as i am tall (about 5'6") 19. I love samples :) 20. there is harry potter crepe paper around my walls as a boarder 21. all the pets I've ever had have been black (black gerble, then 2 black cats) 22. I like the Beatles 23. I closed my left thumb in a law chair when I was little so now I have a scar 24. I now carry band-aids in my purse for when get hurt (yes it's often enough) 25. I'm one quarter done this list! 26. I need to write things down (like in a planner or on a list or in my journal) 27. my favorit colour is pink 28. I collect old fashioned glass Coke bottles 29. I have a stamp collection under my bed 30. I wish I had curly hair.............. *sigh* 31. I have only made 3 Bubbys and I am already sick of them (sorry guys, maybe by christmas I will have some as gifts) 32. I hardly EVER get mail (even when there is a package in the mail for me, the postal system must not like me!) 33. I get my best ideas at night as I lie in bed trying to sleep 34. this is why you get late night blog posts 35. I have 2 Terrie Fox loonies (yah I'm Canadian!) 36. I have a Hedwig back pack hanging from my cealing (it's like a stuffed toy but open up so you can put things in it, small things) 37. the first knitting book I ever bought was Stitch n' Bitch Nation 38. I like calendars, I have 4 up on one wall 39. I have knit an orange Asana, but no sweater, yet. 40. I plan on knitting a Weasley sweater as my first sweater, if I can ever decide on a substitute yarn! 41. I have post cards that have been farther around the world than me 42. I made a purse out of Kool-aid Jammers 43. I'm know as "the girl with the kool-aid bag" to random people out in public 44. I have three cameras. 1 digital, 1 regular film, and 1 polaroid. I like photography :) 45. I have 3 outlets in my room 46. I have a built in set of drawrs that I HATE 47. I own a pink watch 48. I own McMarkers, smelly felts (basic smells, not weird McDonalds smells, don't worry :S) in a holder shaped like a french fri holder 49. I have a Mardi Gras mask I made in french class hanging on my wall 50. I procrastinate. I have a scrap book from a trip taken in March of this year only half done 51. I have a Pinochio tape measure, but I really want a sheep tape measure 52. I always get lost in Ikea, no matter how many times I look at a map 53. The first knitting blog I ever read is Julia Trice's Mind of Winter 54. I only came across her blog when I fell in love with her Asana pattern on Knitty 55. how I came across Knitty I have no clue, but I have a feeling it was on a google search for knitting sites ...... 56. my school has a knitting club 57. I want us to take a feild trip to knitting stores :D 58. I dance ballet 59. I am hopeless at any language, especially french :S 60. I strongly disslike my postal system 61. my friends and I are regulars at the Tim Hortons across the street from our school 62. I hate Disney sequals 63. my favorit animal is a cat 64. I still have all my beanie babies *blush* 65. there is a furby in my closet o_O 66. I sometimes buy gum because it has a cool package ........ come on who dosent buy something just because they like the way it looks (or feels for yarn)? 67. I have managed to go into a knitting store and not spend $$ (though I now regret it) 68. there are only 3 walls in my room (the built in closet and drawrs don't really count as a wall) 69. I have a Harry Potter spoon that's handel is shaped like a wand :D 70. I have a mini gumball macheine that has packages of Crystal Light juice mixes in it instead of candy ............. 71. this list has taken me 3 days so far ...... 72. this is most likely my longest blog entrie ever! 73. there is a can of mini corn (like you get in chinese food) on my book shelf that has sat there for 3 years ........ ask me for the storie later 74. I own mettalic pink sandals 75. I can fit my head into a childs size bucket hat, hmmmmm 76. I am the baby in the family 77. I have had more than one dream come true, and sometimes I have drempt about something that ands up happening or is relative to my dream. freaky eh? 78. I have only one UFO sitting in a box. it's the truth!! 79. no one guesses my real age. they always think I am younger or older than I really am. 80. I have so much junk under my bed that it is slowly creeping out 0_O 81. I love Todd Bars from Purdy's 82. I really want to ride the whole skytrain system 83. My big toes and middle fingers are crooked 84. I have actually completed "99 bottel of beer on the wall" (the song) 85. I have no clue what I am going to do after high school..... aahhh panic! 86. I am deathly afraid of clowns! 87. There is a pinapple on my desk almost full of pennies 88. I have a love hate relationship with Michales 89. Can't sell Girl Guide cookies to save my life! 90. I still listen to the Spice Girls on tape.... so old school 91. I have scars from my previous cat :S 92. I look terrible in short hair, but I really want short hair! 93. I taste good to cats :D 94. I heart Hugh Grant 95. I don't drink pop anymore 96. I really want a subscription to a magazine so I don't have to keep remembering to buy it everymonth, but I havent gotten around to that yet.... 97. I am blessed with fairly good skin, I get the odd breakout but my face hasn't exploded or anything :S 98. I am to lazy to check over this list so if you find I have repeated something, please tell me! 99. There is only one bathroom in my house, and that causes great problems in the morning 100. I am very happy if you just read al 100 things about me :D. I have been working on this for a looong time. I have a feeling I have repeated something, so let me know if you spot it. Hope you either enjoyed this or left when you got tired of reading, I don't blame you. -Karen


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