Thursday, December 15, 2005

Time to relax

I think I finally deserve it! After a terrible week of tests (still have one tomorrow), and literally dragging myself out of bed every morning, to class, where I had no fun and the week just became more stressful everyday. Yes, it is time for christmas break!!! All I have left to do for christmas gifts is knit ONE more hat and I'm done! Well then there is the wrapping, but that part is fun!! I have some really cool take-out box style boxes to wrap things in, and I have great plans on how to decorate them (they are plain white) and its just gonna be fun next week! No freaking out about trying to do last min. shopping they day before you have to give some one their gift (last year I was sewing my friends gift up until the min. we had to leave!!). Yes, I can enjoy the holidays. Baking, knitting for myself, playing with my cats, decorating my room (because we can't have a full sized tree, to dangerous with two kitten!), doing things with my friends, visting family....... ah, I can hardly wait! Just have to get through one more early wake up and a math test, then I'm good to go! So on the knitting front, I might as well show you the two hats I finished tonight. And let me tell you, it was not exactly the fun experience I had hope for........ Started hat #1 on tues., to get it done for a friend asap so she could hopefully pay me before christmas break....... finished wed. Showed to her on thurs., she thought it was too big...... so luckly I had started a smaller size for a friend..... gasp! not enough yarn to BO! So unravel a row of the bigger one to borrow some yarn... then about 10 st away from finishing the seccond one I ran out of yarn..... so I used some from my stash, the slight colour difference is not too noticeable.... so I may make a flower in the diff. white yarn to add to the hat.... but yes, be careful when you knit hats! In the end, they do look nice. And I tell yah, they'd better like these darn'd hats! (ok, to lazy to upload again, go to cover your head KAL to see a picture, it's really pretty!) First thing I am going to finish after the holiday knits are done? Why my clap!! All I have to do is some math to figure out when to dec. and I'm good! I'm happy, it goes so nicely with my red pea coat. Then my Gryffindor mitts, then my socks, and finally shimmer! However, I am hoping to fit a hat for myself in there.......... I really like this hat that they selling at The Bay for the olympics, it is white with maple leafs and red stripes. I could easily modify the pattern, I really don't want to spen $30 on a hat that I can make for about $6!!! wish me luck................ Merry Friday to you!! -Karen


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