It's deffinatly summer when.....
....... it's 90 outside!
....... dad buy's a nice big fan, for himself!(and mom)
....... I don't feel like knitting that sock (even though it's an anklet, I can't even think about wearing it, or even touching that hot wool so it's best to wait for some cooler weather)
....... you go to the mall just for the air conditioning, and of course the shopping
....... you get the "info package" in the mail for camp! ( I get to be a leader!)
....... you pull out the fan 'cause your such a wimp (I sleep in the basement)
....... clear blue skies!
....... local transit has the air conditioning on!(only the fancy new cars, but it doesn't really matter)
....... the cats retreat to the basement
....... all of the clothing you were looking at in magazines months ago now looks inviting (hello, swimsuites in april?)
....... the only change in the seven day forecast is the addition of the flag for Canada Day
....... I am lazy and make a list instead of an actual blog entry.
So I'm goin' shopping tomorrow in the U.S., wish me luck at finding some good deals and just enjoying the day (I LOVE Target!). I hope you've been seeing blue since the month is almost over. Keep it cool......................................................
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